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How to make Disinfectant like Dettol Original

DETTOL Disinfectant

1. Mixing bowl
2. Turning stick

1. Texapon
2. Phenol
3. Pine Oil
4. Chlorozenol
5. Water
6. IPA - Izol Propylalchol
7. Colour

Texapon cleanses and it foams because it is a cleansing agent

Pour 1/4 kg of Texapon into the mixing bowl.
Pour 1/8 litres of Phenol into the mixing bowl and mix very well.

Pour 1/8 litres of Pine Oil into the mixing bowl and keep stiring

Pour 1/8 litres of Chlorozenol into the mixing bowl and keep stiring.

Pour 3 litres of water into the mixing bowl and keep stiring

Pour 3 litres of IPA into the mixing bowl and continue to stir

Note that water comes before IPA or else it becomes white

Colour is not necessary. Some people only add it to cover up their inferior goods. But since you're producing a superior product, you don't need it. But if you like, you can use water soluble colour (of colour brown) of 1 teaspoon.

It would cost from N5,000 to N6,000 for production ingredients.

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